Comments Off on When you have tried to do the right thing your whole life which included several struggles, but lost so many what could have been’s that were beyond your control, you have to believe that your sacrifices were for a better reason. And if you feel like you are destined to always be alone, it just means that you are more selective of who you let into your shining light.
Comments Off on You can know someone for 30 years, always thought about each other, they would occasionally call to check on you, have many regrets for the mistakes they made with you & what could have been, but they may still not really love you even though they felt like home to you.
Comments Off on When you wake up in the middle of the night, but can’t go back to sleep since your head some how fills up with long ago turmoil. So, you toss & turn until it’s time to get up for work, which some aspects causes more stress. Making self promises that you’ll never go down the same paths since you deserve & want so much better.